Please Acknowledge!

If you or an immediate family member (spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandchild, grand parent, or anyone living as a member of your household) are currently receiving services at any of our programs , you are ineligible for hire due to HIPAA and ethical boundary issues.

Under current Maryland law, a medical marijuana card does not negate our policy of a drug free work place. You must pass a drug test that includes testing for marijuana to be eligible for employment.

Any person who will be treating children is required to be fingerprinted and processed through State and Federal agencies. If the position requires driving, you must possess a current valid license to drive issued by the State of Maryland or the State you claim residence in.

I have read and acknowledge these terms and conditions for employment at Key Point Health Services.

Key Point Health Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry/national origin, color, disability, gender identity/expression, marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs, services and activities.